Saturday, February 12, 2011

Back In The Day...Not Long Ago

So you gotta start somewhere, right? And this was a d*mn good starting point, haha. Here are some pictures I did a few years ago, shot by Shamayim for Shamayim Photography.  He's a dope photographer, if you get some time check his site out.  I kinda like looking back on these photos, I still get inspired:-)

A Client In My Head...

As Ms. Wendy Williams would say "a friend in my head" I say a client in my head. Meaning these are clients I would really like to work with. Revamp, Redo and Readjust there entire image. It's so important to have a wardrobe stylist on hand that knows your body shape, personality and knows how to put a complete look together that is custom tailored for you. And when your in the spot light, same rules apply. So the client that has been in my head is Ms. Camara Yaya DaCosta, a contestant on cycle 3 of America's Next Model. Yaya  has moved on to have a budding and successful acting career. I said all that to say I've put together a small story board of a complete look for her. Its from head to toe of what I think she would look FAB in. She's a beautiful woman, with a great spirit, amazing body and killer legs!  So toast to my new my head;-). My collage was done over at

One Designer I Must Work With!

Anyone that knows me knows that I absolutely, positively, indefinitely like BIG BOLD prints and COLOR. Junko Shimada personifies that in every since of the word. She is one designer that I can honestly say I LOVE everything she designs.  Who wouldn't want to walk in these shoes, who wouldn't want to wear ALL of her designs(Okay maybe just me, but that's how much her work inspires me). I might not understand everything she does, but its ART and I adore it. So if I confess that I'm going to work with her soon, then the universe is going to fold to my confession:-) That's what I believe and that's my prayer. Check out her site below, one that I "light weight stalk" often...tehehehe. ENJOY!